Kiev Turkish Embassy

The New Turkish Embassy Building is designed on the base of relations between Turkiye & Ukraine and the necessaties which should represent its prestige.
The New Turkish Embassy Building is designed on the base of relations between Turkiye & Ukraine and the necessaties which should represents its prestige. Its program also includes different functions which have to be designed each other closely. A better connectivity, between the building and the city, is targeted by making a controlled transperancy and permeability. In the centre, big halls are located for special events and prestige needed invitations. A good connection between different functions such as Offices, Consulates, Chancellery, Residence and Housing in a comfortable and safe way was an important goal to be achived. The program scale is one of the biggest of Turkiye’s New International Representative Offices.In the past, representations of different countries by buildings, was realized by just making chancellery offices for symbolic representation. Instead of this case, architectural concepts like usa of space, material selection, mass effect and established relation with the environment are paid attention to create a modern and permanent building, in the present day.
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