New Publics


Contemporary Architecture and the Public Sphere In Turkey.

The rapidly expanding urban context and real estate development activities in Turkey in the 21st century generated a series of important public buildings for culture, education, sports and public space with distinctive and exemplary architecture.This architecture is the focus of an exhibition entitled “New Publics: Contemporary Architecture and the Public Sphere in Turkey” to take place at the Arch Moscow 2019 XXIV International Exhibition of Architecture and Design to be held from 15 to 19 of May, 2019 at the exhibition hall “Manege” in Moscow.

The exhibition features a selection of 15 architectural works completed in the last 10 years by leading Turkish architecture practices that focus on “New Public” spaces created within the context of hybrid building programs such as cultural centers , libraries , educational instutions , sports facilities , museums and outdoor public spaces.

Organized by Istanbul based GAD Foundation led by Gokhan Avcıoglu and Moscow architecture practice SPEECH led by Sergei Tchoban and co-curated by architecture criric Gokhan Karakus and Anna Martovitskaya - chief editor of speech: magazine , the exhibition aims to expand the notion of public architecture as civic minded and spatially inventive design.


CURATORS: Gökhan Karakuş, Anna Matrovitskaya

Sergei Tchoban, Alexandra Sheyner

Speech: architectural magazine was established in Moscow in 2008 by architects Sergei Tchoban and Sergei Kuznetsov. It is released twice a year in Russian and English and distributed in Europe and USA by JOVIS. Editor in chief Anna Martovitskaya is responsible for publishing the magazine in coordination with an editorial board that also organizes lectures, public talks and curates international exhibitions. Each issue of speech: is entirely devoted to a single theme that is explored in a comprehensive manner from the point of view of both Russian and global architectural practice.

Arch Moscow Next !

Over the past 23 years the ARCH MOSCOW exhibition has been bringing together leading western and Russian participants of the international architectural community. Careful selection of exhibitors, delicate curatorial work and comprehensive program turn the exhibition into a big cultural event. ARCH MOSCOW is the best platform to establish business contacts in the field of architecture, design, development and construction.

New Publics exhibition in ArchMoscwow about Contemporary Architecture and the Public Sphere İn Turkey.

''New Publics'', Public Space and Architecture Focus of First International Exhibition of Contemporary Turkish Architecture İn Russia. New architecture projects from Turkey highlighting public space were on exhibit in Moscow in the first ever international exhibition on the subject co-organized by Istanbul's GAD Foundation and Moscow's speech: curated by Gökhan Karakuş and Anna Martovitskaya with exhibition design by Sergei Tchoban and Alexandra Sheyer. The exhibition entitled ''New Publics: Contemporary Architecture and the Public Sphere in Turkey'' took place at the Arch Moscow 2019 XXIV International Exhibition of Architecture and design held from 15 to 19 of May, 2019. Participating architecture practices included GAD , EAA , NSMH , Çinici , TEGET , Tabanlıoglu , MAA ,M+D , STEB , Han Tümertekin , Brigitte Weber , Yalin , Salon , a+a , Yazgan.